Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Final Blog

(Patterson DJ 1996)
(Raims KG, Russell BJ 1996)
(Carr NG, Whitton B 1982)
(Lee JJ, Hutner SH, Bovee EC 1985)
 (Lee JJ, Hutner SH, Bovee EC 1985)
Although our MicroAquariums have come to an end, I feel like I've gained a lot of knowledge out of it. On November 11, 2011, I viewed my MicroAquarium for the last time. It didn't seem like a lot changed in it until I looked under the microscope. I took pictures of the following things: Epalaxis, Difflugia, Cynobacteria, Tachysoma and Ameoba. I do not know a lot about them yet, but I am beginning my research today. The books that Dr. McFarland had were very useful and hopefully, I can use those as my sources.
Works Cited:
Carr NG, and Bryan Whitton. 1982. The Biology of Cyanobacteria. Berkley: University of California Press.

Lee JJ, Hutner SH, and Bovee EC. 1985. Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Lawrence (KS): Allen Press, Inc. 629p.

Patterson DJ. 1996. Free-Living Freshwater protozoa. London (UK): Manson Publishing Ltd. 223p.

Raims KG, Russell BJ. 1996. Guide to the Microlife. Canada. Franklin Watts.


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